Humanizing the Path to More

We continue our search for the people who are contributing ideas that can change our world: personally, professionally, and within the context of a basic human construct called work.

Theran Knighton-Fitt, co-founder of Mygrow, is such a person.

He has experienced the joy as well as the quiet desperation of the workplace. He recognizes the way capitalism has transformed many lives, as well as how it has dehumanized many in its search for more.

Now he is on a mission to help humanize capitalism through emotional intelligence.

There must be a way to creatively build something of value without dismissing the humanity of another. And if we do decide to focus merely on extracting what we need out of others, by creating “culture initiatives” are we missing the point?

You cannot legislate a flourishing garden. You cannot put up signs declaring that everything this garden represents is true and good. You must create a garden with an intentional focus on the right ecosystem: people, process, tools, and care. This kind of garden is easily recognized by top performers, and those who desire to find meaning in their work. This kind of garden doesn’t die. It evolves.

As an owner, a leader, a builder, you intuitively know that your self-worth is this journey. And you also know, in your quiet moments, that you struggle with the human doing of the everyday task of keeping your company moving forward, staying viable. The decisions are never easy.

And so, the Great Conversation ends, appropriately, by acknowledging how we must build an intelligence around these emotive moments in our lives, so that we don’t lose sight of our ultimate purpose: to build flourishing people while we build flourishing companies. We will inevitably be tossed into the washing machine of our doing. It consumes our inherent need to control everything including our people. It encourages us to make the “tough” decisions, even when they conflict with our core values. How do we create tools for all of us to see the washing machine in the midst of our personal and professional lives, and choose to come out of each cycle… clean?

Enjoy this Great Conversation on your path to an emotionally intelligent life.